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Our mission is to enable driven individuals to become fully funded traders. We believe funding successful traders represent a critical foundation in the pursuit of financial and professional independence.

We Are Traders Too

We understand that trading is a long-term learning endeavor, and we have lived this belief for more than a decade.

Our processes and structures are designed to foster independent thinking and swift decision making. Our traders do not adhere to a particular ‘house style’. Instead, they are encouraged to maximize the potential of their trading account by developing their own high-conviction views of the markets, unconstrained from any centralized trading strategies.

Many Of Life’s Failures Are People Who Did Not Realize How Close They Were To Success When They Gave Up.
-Thomas Edison

Core Strengths

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It really is as easy as 1-2 with us. No 3. There are no extra steps in between our tried, tested, and proven process because we want to cut to the chase and get you started as soon as possible. We believe simplicity is the best way to achieve success.

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One of the biggest gaps in the industry is the community aspect. We are creating a real space for real traders to gather and work together, and to help each other learn. Strength is in numbers, when we work together, nothing can stop us.

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You can work from home, your favorite coffee shop, your friend’s house, or the park on a sunny day. One of the best parts about working with us? You never have to be at a certain place at a certain time; you can work wherever you want, whenever you want.

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There are no hidden fees for our service. We won’t make you pay for an educational seminar, extra resources or third party memberships. Our trial is free, and then you pay a predetermined amount based on the package you want. When you win, we win.

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Our competitors make potential traders jump through an excessive amount of hoops, and place unrealistic parameters on a measure of success. These unfair expectations can discourage even the most enthusiastic beginners.

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We are fully committed to full transparency in our entire process. We believe in our product, and we believe in you. We are your one-stop solution. We have realistic expectations, fair testing parameters, and a lot of faith we’re willing to put into the right person.

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